Captivating images paired with informative captions

I am trying to display a picture with a description inline, but I am facing some issues. While I was able to align two pictures using div block:inline, adding a description to the first picture caused it to extend in width (despite setting margin: 0 and a fixed width). How can I make them appear inline?

Link to Picture 1 Link to Picture 2

Answer №1

Your paragraph tag has a style of display: block. This is the standard default styling for paragraphs in browsers.

When set to display: block, a paragraph will always take up 100% width. If the width is explicitly defined on a display: block element, any remaining space is filled with automatic margin.

To solve this, you can change the display property of the paragraph tag to inline-block.

If you're having trouble aligning elements, consider using CSS float.

CSS Float -

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