How can I apply specific styling to certain cells within a table?

Is there a way to apply styles specifically to certain table headers in an HTML table without altering the HTML or introducing JavaScript? I need to target only 4 out of the total 8 table headers.

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table tr td {
  padding: 5px;
table {
  border: pink 5px;
  border-style: double;
table tr:nth-child(even) {
  background-color: #aaa;
    <td>Maple syrup season!</td>
    <td>Cooling down</td>
    <td>Rain, but not for long</td>
    <th>Amount of Daylight</th>
    <td>Very little</td>
    <td>Even daylight and night</td>
    <td>Lots of daylight</td>
    <td>Even daylight and night</td>
    <th>Recommended Outerwear</th>
    <td>Heavy jacket</td>
    <td>It depends!</td>
    <td>Usually no jacket</td>
    <td>Light jacket sometimes</td>

I'm considering using:

table tr th+td:not(th+th) {
  color: green;

or perhaps:

table tr th+td {
  color: green;

However, neither of these approaches seem to be effective.

The goal is to style the headers "Temperature," "Precipitation," "Amount of Daylight," and "Recommended Outerwear" while excluding the month headers. It's also important to avoid using nth-child or nth-of-type selectors for this task.

UPDATE: Answer has been selected, thank you!

Answer №1

After reviewing the jsfiddle you provided, I found the perfect selector:

table tr + tr > th {
  background-color: red;
  color: #FFF;

Explanation: This selector skips the first tr and targets the tr immediately following another tr, selecting only the direct child th.

No nth-child or nth-of-type functions are utilized in this case. I hope this clarifies things for you.

Answer №2

One helpful solution is to utilize suedo selectors for styling.

table tr th:first-child{
      background-color: green;

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