What are the reasons behind the ineffectiveness of !important in CSS?

I am looking to increase the font-size of all text on my website to 200%, you can find some test code in this Fiddle link.

If it is a PX issue, why does the code work when I add the style to "<h2>"?

<h2 class="test" style="font-size:300% !important">
<h2 class="test2">
<h2 class="test3">

Alternatively, how can I uniformly enlarge all font-sizes by the same rate?

Answer №1

Utilize em and rem units for font sizing.

For a convenient conversion tool, visit

HTML Example:

<div style="font-size:2rem !important" >
    <h2 class="test">
    <h2 class="test2">
    <h2 class="test3">

CSS Styling:


View the live demo here: https://jsfiddle.net/eom40w0L/8/

Answer №3


div h2{
<div class="content">

<h2 class="style1">
<h2 class="style2">
<h2 class="style3">


you can adjust the Zoom property like this


<div class="data">

<h2 class="style1">
<h2 class="style2">
<h2 class="style3">


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