How can I align a mapped button to appear on the opposite side of the data using Tailwind CSS?

I've been struggling to find a straightforward solution to this issue for a while now.

Let me break it down - I need to display some data on the left side of a post card component with a button located right next to it. Here's an illustration:

The ellipsis icon represents the button, and my goal is to position it on the right side. However, if I use 'absolute' positioning, all buttons are fixed in place even when scrolling.

Below is the code for the two components:

import * as React from 'react';

import { Button } from '@/components/ui/button';
import {
} from '@/components/ui/card';

import { Avatar, AvatarFallback, AvatarImage } from '@/components/ui/avatar';
import { Ellipsis } from 'lucide-react';
import { PostDialog } from './PostDialog';

// Props interface

export default async function Post({
}: Props) {
  // Rest of the code here...

Here is a snippet of the button component:

'use client';

import * as React from 'react';
import { Ellipsis, Moon, Sun } from 'lucide-react';
import { useTheme } from 'next-themes';

import { Button } from '@/components/ui/button';
import {
} from '@/components/ui/dropdown-menu';
import { deletePost } from '@/lib/actions/post.actions';

// Function for handling the dialog

export function PostDialog() {
  // handleDeletePost function
  return (
    // Return statement here...

Your attention is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Answer №1

If the parent element has a class of CardDescription with flex properties,

you can easily insert

<div className="flex-1"></div>
in between.

        <CardDescription className="flex w-full flex-row items-center">
          <Avatar className="mr-2">
            <AvatarImage src={avatar_url} />
          {`${first_name} ${last_name} · ${formattedConnects} · ${formattedDate}`}

          <div className="flex-1"></div> // Insert this line here

            <PostDialog /> // This represents the ellipsis button

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