Bone structure template - optimizing list spacing with CSS

Currently, I am attempting to float my navigation bar further towards the left by at least 200px, closer to the end of the line visible below. However, every time I add a margin or padding, it causes the elements within the navigation bar to stack on top of each other, even though there is ample space available. Would someone be willing to review my code and provide assistance?

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

I prefer using Firebug for troubleshooting, so I have uploaded my code here:

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Are you referring to moving towards the left or right? If it's the left, there might be a large image obstructing the navigation menu. On the other hand, if it's to the right, you can adjust the width of the navigation div and add a float: right; CSS property to the ul within the #nav element.

Answer №2

To rearrange the layout, simply switch the positions of the navigation and logo divs. Here's an example:

<div class="seven columns">navigation menu</div>
<div class="five columns">logo</div>

By doing this, the navigation will be aligned to the left side. Remember to ensure that the navigation div has a width greater than seven, otherwise the logo may end up beside it.

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