Expanding Material Ui menu to occupy the entire width of the page

I'm encountering an issue with a menu I created where I can't seem to adjust its height and width properly. It seems to be taking up the full width of the page.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import Menu from "@material-ui/core/Menu";
import MenuItem from "@material-ui/core/MenuItem";
import EditIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Edit";
import DeleteIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Delete";
import IconButton from "@material-ui/core/IconButton";
import withStyles from "@material-ui/core/styles/withStyles";

const styles = theme => ({
  menu: {
    marginLeft: "-8.8%",
    width: "180px",
    height: "30",
    backgroundColor: "red"
  mainmenu: {
    width: "180px",
    height: "30"

class BlogOptions extends Component {
  render() {
    const { anchorEl, handleClose, classes } = this.props;
        return (
      <div className={classes.menu}>
          <MenuItem onClick={handleClose} className={classes.menuItem}>
              <EditIcon />
          <MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>
              <DeleteIcon />

export default withStyles(styles)(BlogOptions);


Looking for a solution or alternative component that may work better than the menu. Any suggestions on achieving a menu-like functionality with items?

Answer №1

Please ensure you provide a unit for the height measurement

height: "30px",

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