What's the best way to adjust the card column for mobile view resizing?

I am trying to modify the card view for mobile devices to display as a 2-column layout. I have adjusted the flex length and grid size in my code, but I still can't achieve the desired result. Can someone guide me on how to make this change?

Current desktop view:

Desired mobile view:

Latest Product
  <v-layout row wrap>

    // Inserted code here


The final outcome should resemble this:

Answer №1

Utilize the display helpers to specify column sizes for different viewport sizes. For instance, use xs6 sm4 md3 lg3 to determine how many columns an element can occupy in a row:

<v-flex xs6 sm4 md3 lg3>
    <v-card-text>First Card</v-card-text>

[ https://jsfiddle.net/b4e5zo1j/ ]

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