What is the best method for organizing data in rows and columns?

I attempted to use my map function to iterate over the data and display it, but I struggled to format it into rows and columns. The requirement is for 5 fixed columns with dynamically changing rows, making array indexing impractical.

Here is the code snippet - Link

let array = [
    // Array contents here

var num = array.map(function(subarray){
  return subarray


The current output is visible in the following image


However, I aim to achieve a layout similar to the one shown below, featuring 5 columns with dynamic rows fetched from a RestApi.


[Please note: both the values in the figure and the code are subject to change as they serve as reference points. The actual values are retrieved from a RestApi and will fluctuate.]

Answer â„–1

Maybe you can try the following steps:

var myList = [
    // more data arrays here...
   createTable = function(data){
             var cols = row => row.map(cell => `<td>${cell.toFixed(4)}</td>`).join(""),
                 rows = tableData => tableData.map(row => `<tr>${cols(row)}</tr>`).join("");
             return `<table><tbody>${rows(data)}</tbody></table>`;
td { border: 1px solid red;
     text-align: right

Answer â„–2

This is a representation of an empty table with 5x5 cells:


To create this table, you will need a component for generating a td and another for generating a row tr. Then, you can generate as many rows as needed.

Answer â„–3

Are you looking for this?

let nestedArray = [
  [72.3474349975586, 83.77342224121094, 83.77342224121094, 72.3474349975586, 97.0778579711914],
  [80.1422348022461, 93.16133117675781, 93.16133117675781, 80.1422348022461, 108.54068756103516],
  [108.37809753417969, 125.22685241699219, 125.22685241699219, 108.37809753417969, 147.92010498046875],
  [163.5850372314453, 197.7432098388672, 197.7432098388672, 163.5850372314453, 228.80577087402344],
  [198.08128356933594, 236.1764678955078, 236.1764678955078, 198.08128356933594, 276.9237060546875],
  [126.81776428222656, 147.2906951904297, 147.2906951904297, 126.81776428222656, 174.1883544921875],
  [95.24028778076172, 110.93660736083984, 110.93660736083984, 95.24028778076172, 129.43946838378906],
  [95.24028015136719, 110.93661499023438, 110.93661499023438, 95.24028015136719, 129.43946838378906],
  [126.8177719116211, 147.2906951904297, 147.2906951904297, 126.8177719116211, 174.1883544921875],
  [198.081298828125, 236.176513671875, 236.176513671875, 198.081298828125, 276.9237060546875],
  [163.5850372314453, 197.74327087402344, 197.74327087402344, 163.5850372314453, 228.80577087402344],
  [108.37812042236328, 125.22686767578125, 125.22686767578125, 108.37812042236328, 147.92013549804688],
  [80.1422348022461, 93.16131591796875, 93.16131591796875, 80.1422348022461, 108.54067993164062],
  [72.347412109375, 83.77342987060547, 83.77342987060547, 72.347412109375, 97.07785034179688],
  [80.1422348022461, 93.16131591796875, 93.16131591796875, 80.1422348022461, 108.54067993164062],
  [108.37812042236328, 125.22686767578125, 125.22686767578125, 108.37812042236328, 147.92013549804688],
  [108.37809753417969, 125.22685241699219, 125.22685241699219, 108.37809753417969, 147.92010498046875],
  [80.1422348022461, 93.16133117675781, 93.16133117675781, 80.1422348022461, 108.54068756103516]

var flattenedArray = nestedArray.map(function(subarray) {
  return subarray;

for (i = 0; i < flattenedArray.length; i++) {
  let rowValues = '';
  for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
    if (rowValues) {
      rowValues += ', ';
    rowValues += flattenedArray[i][j];

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