"Selecting elements with CSS using the 'element'

While exploring some websites for studying purposes, I came across this code snippet.

.site-header .widget-area span.but

As a beginner in CSS, I'm curious to know more about the span.but part. Is it similar to the :not pseudo selector?

Answer №1

Incorrect, the class selector "but" is simply matching a regular class and does not have any special functionality like pseudo-classes. Class selectors in CSS are used for a literal match with class names found within the class attribute in HTML or any other document language.

Answer №2

Representing two classes of the same element in a certain way can increase their weight.

For instance:

<div class="menu nav">
  <div class="sub-menu">

In the code above, both .menu .sub-menu and .menu.nav .sub-menu refer to the same element, .sub-menu, but .menu.nav .sub-menu has a higher weight than .menu .sub-menu.

P.S. Higher weight means that the one with a higher weight will be applied first before the others.

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