Mastering the correct application of flex properties within nested flex containers

I'm struggling with utilizing flexbox properly and would like some clarification on how nesting parent and child elements functions.

I understand that the child elements inherit the parent's flex properties, but I'm unsure if this inheritance extends to further descendants (such as 'grandchildren'). What is the correct approach to using flexbox in these situations?

In simpler terms, do I need to add display: flex to the child element as well, for its own children? And if so, will this override the flex properties of the parent element?

.parent-container {
  display: flex;
  flex: 1 0 100%;
.child-container {
  flex: 1 1 50%
  background-color: blue;
.baby-of-child-container {
  flex: 1 1 50%;
  background-color: green;
<div class='parent-container'>
  <div class='child-container'>
    <div class='baby-of-child-container'>child</div>
    <div class='baby-of-child-container'>child</div>
  <div class='child-container'>
    <div class='baby-of-child-container'>child</div>
    <div class='baby-of-child-container'>child</div>

Answer №1

The concept of a flex formatting context is defined within a parent and child relationship.

In this structure, the flex container acts as the parent while the flex item is always the child. Flex properties are specific to this connection and do not extend beyond it.

Any descendants of a flex container that are not direct children do not adhere to flex layout rules and will not respond to flex properties.

To enable the use of flex properties on the child element, it is essential to apply either display: flex or display: inline-flex to its parent.

Certain flex properties such as justify-content, flex-wrap, and flex-direction exclusively affect flex containers, while others like align-self, flex-grow, and flex pertain only to flex items.

Nonetheless, flex items can themselves function as flex containers, allowing them to utilize all flex properties without conflict or the need for overriding existing settings due to their distinct roles.

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