Ways to make a chosen row stand out in an *ngFor loop?

Struggling to find a solution within Angular2 for setting a css class when selecting a row. I want to achieve this without relying on jQuery.

<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover">
        <tr *ngFor="let item of companies"  (click)="selectedCompany(item, $event)">

Working with the final release of Angular2

Answer №1

If you're looking for ways to achieve this, one approach is to save the current company when it's clicked on.

Within the *ngFor loop, you can verify if the current item matches the currentCompany, and then add a specific class like highlighted to style it accordingly.

export class TableComponent {

  public currentCompany;

  public selectCompany(event: any, item: any) {

    this.currentCompany = item.name;


Then in your HTML template:

<tr *ngFor="let item of companies" (click)="selectCompany($event, item)" 
 [class.highlighted]="item.name === currentCompany">


Another method to highlight multiple companies is by adding a highlighted property to each item. When calling selectCompany(), simply set the property to true. Your check would then be


Answer №2

It's been a while since this question was answered, but just to add on to the solution provided, you can also utilize [ngClass]="{'class_name': item.id === currentCompany }" in your code. You may need to consider removing the table hover effect to ensure that the background color change is visible.

<tr *ngFor="let item of companies" (click)="selectCompany($event, item)" [ngClass]="{'class_name': item.id === currentCompany  }" >

Then apply this CSS:

.class_name{ background-color: yellow; }

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