Retrieve the concealed division element's HTML content along with its formatting

Help needed with appending a hidden div with its styles intact. Despite using the code provided below, the appended div does not retain its styles. Any suggestions for an alternative method?

    var warningMessage = $('#warningDiv').html()

function postSettings() {
    var frm_data = $("#MyForm").serialize();
            type: "POST",
            url: "path",
            data: frm_data,
            success: function (successData) {
                var warningMessage = $('#warningDiv').html();
                **$(warningMessage).insertAfter("#MyDiv"); // The warning message is not displayed with proper css styling.** 


Even though the above approach successfully appends the HTML content, the desired styles are missing. To achieve this, the following hidden div needs to be dynamically appended along with its styles:

<div class="note note-warning" id="warningDiv" style="display:none">
    <div class="block-warning">
        <h4 class="block"> <i class="demo-icon icon-attention-1 fa"></i> Warning! Some Header Goes Here</h4>
        <p> test</p>

Answer №1

Here is the modified code snippet for you to try:

I have removed the 'display:none' property from the 'warningDiv' div below.

<!doctype html>
    <script src=""></script>
        $(function () {

        function postSettings() {
    <div class="note note-warning" id="warningDiv" style="color: red;">
        <div class="block-warning">
            <h4 class="block"><i class="demo-icon icon-attention-1 fa"></i>Warning! Some Header Goes Here</h4>
        <input type="button" onclick="postSettings()" value="Click here to call postSettings()" />
        <div id="MyDiv">MyDiv</div>


The newly created div will now be displayed without the 'display:none' property.

<!doctype html>
    <script src=""></script>
        $(function () {

        function postSettings() {
    <div class="note note-warning" id="warningDiv" style="display: none;">
        <div class="block-warning">
            <h4 class="block"><i class="demo-icon icon-attention-1 fa"></i>Warning! Some Header Goes Here</h4>
        <input type="button" onclick="postSettings()" value="Click here to call postSettings()" />
        <div id="MyDiv">MyDiv</div>


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to let me know.

Answer №2

Give this a try:

    var alert = $('#alertDiv');
    var data='<div class="note note-warning" id="warningDiv" style="display:none"> <div class="block-warning"><h4 class="block"> <i class="demo-icon icon-attention-1 fa"></i> Attention! Important Message</h4><p> test message</p></div></div>';

Answer №3

give this a shot

let warningMsg = $('#warningDiv').eq(0).prop('outerHTML');

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