Unable to display imported image in React application

I have a component where I want to display an image:

import React from 'react'
import background from '../media/content-background.jpg'

function ContentPage(){
        <div id="content-page">
            <div id="content-header">
                <img href={background} alt='back'/>
            <div id="content-body">


export default ContentPage

The image is displaying correctly as I can see it when I check the URL in the inspector.


However, on the webpage only the alt text is appearing:


Answer №1

It's recommended to utilize src="" rather than href="".

The href attribute is typically used to indicate the destination of a hyperlink within an anchor tag.

Answer №2

You might encounter an issue because you have utilized the incorrect attribute within your img element; opt for src instead:

<img src={background} alt='back'/>

Answer №3

Replace the href attribute with src. The href attribute is typically used for anchor tags, while src is used for img tags.

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