I created this box using Angular Material, but I am having trouble breaking the words "1349" and "New Feedback" into two lines. Here's an image included in my design. Any tips on accomplishing this in Angular Material? Thank you!
.box-item {
background-color: cornflowerblue;
width: 100px;
height: 120px;
.box-text {
<div layout="row" style="padding: 32px;" ng-cloak>
<md-whiteframe class="md-whiteframe-2dp box-item" md-colors="[enter image description here][1]background:'blue-400'}"
flex-sm="45" flex-gt-sm="35" flex-gt-md="25" layout
layout-align="end center" layout-margin>
<span class="md-display-1 box-text">1349</span>
<span class="box-text">New Feedbacks</span>