Tips for separating these two words onto two separate lines

I created this box using Angular Material, but I am having trouble breaking the words "1349" and "New Feedback" into two lines. Here's an image included in my design. Any tips on accomplishing this in Angular Material? Thank you!

    .box-item {
        background-color: cornflowerblue;
        width: 100px;
        height: 120px;
    .box-text {

   <div layout="row" style="padding: 32px;" ng-cloak>

<md-whiteframe class="md-whiteframe-2dp box-item" md-colors="[enter image description here][1]background:'blue-400'}"
               flex-sm="45" flex-gt-sm="35" flex-gt-md="25" layout
               layout-align="end center" layout-margin>
    <span class="md-display-1 box-text">1349</span>
    <span class="box-text">New Feedbacks</span>

Answer №1

It appears this is a query related to CSS.

To align two inline elements (spans) on separate lines, consider styling one as a block element or inserting a br tag between them.

  .box-item {
      display: inline-block;
      background-color: cornflowerblue;
      height: 120px;
  .box-text {
      display: block;

Refer to this example link.

Answer №2

One reason for this issue is that the <span> tag is inherently an inline element, meaning it only occupies as much space as needed.

If you find yourself needing to display items on separate lines using a span element, you have a few options. You can adjust the element with CSS by changing its display property to block, insert a line break between elements using the <br> tag, or utilize a block-level element such as the <div> tag.

The recommended approach is to choose the appropriate HTML element for the purpose. For example, opting for a block-level tag like the <div> tag ensures that both elements take up the full width available and appear on separate lines without the need for additional CSS code (saving valuable bytes in your HTML).

Below is how you can achieve this in CSS:

.box-text {
    display: block;

Alternatively, here is an example utilizing the <br> tag:

<span class="md-display-1 box-text">1349</span>
<span class="box-text">New Feedbacks</span>

The simplest and most semantic solution of all three methods would be to use div tags:

<div class="md-display-1 box-text">1349</div>
<div class="box-text">New Feedbacks</div>

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