Resize the image to fit the dimensions of a div, but unfortunately, the overflow: hidden property is not effective in this

I'm looking to set up an image gallery using the Bootstrap grid layout. The gallery should span 100% width and consist of two grids in a row, each containing one picture. I want the height of the second picture to match that of the first, with cropping on both sides.

Although I've attempted to use overflow: hidden and position: absolute, the second picture ends up being larger than the div container.

Below is the code snippet:

.container {
  width: 100%;

.image {
  height: 100%;

.secondimage {
  overflow: hidden;

.heighthundred {
  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
<div id="linknews" class="cointainer">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-8">
      <div class="image">
        <div class="">
          <img src="./image1.jpg" class="img-fluid">
    <div class="col-sm-4">
      <div class="secondimage">
        <div class="image">
          <img src="./image2.jpg" class="heighthundred">

Answer №1

<div class="col-sm-4 padzero custom"> replace this from below line.

<div class="col-sm-4 padzero custom-style" style="overflow: hidden;">


Add the following CSS code to your stylesheet.

    overflow: hidden;

Answer №2

To set the image as the background image for your div, you can follow these steps:

Your updated HTML code should look like this:

<div class="image">
    <div style="background-image: url('./new-image.jpg');">

Next, in your CSS file, add the following styles:

.image > div{
  background-size: cover;
  background-position: center;

With these changes implemented, you no longer need to use the second-image class.

Answer №3

Make sure to include position: relative; in the secondimage class.

    overflow: hidden;
    position: relative;

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