What is the best way to increase padding in a Vuetify view element?

I have been attempting to increase the padding of my view by utilizing the "px-5" class on the container within the view. However, I am struggling to achieve the desired amount of padding. What I am aiming for is padding similar to what is shown in this screenshot from firebase:

This is how my App.Vue appears:

      <div class="page-wrapper">

Within the view:

  <div id="pageTable">
    <v-container grid-list-xl fluid px-5 pt-1 mx-auto>
      <h2>Mina ordrar</h2>
      <v-layout row wrap>
     <v-flex xs12 md12 lg12>

Any thoughts on what might be incorrect?

The current padding on my site can be seen below:

Answer №1

To center the content, utilize the mx-auto class and add a max-width to the inner container.

Expanding on @ljubadr's suggestion, consider using the justify-center class on the wrapper, then use grid columns to adjust width based on breakpoints. For instance, applying sm-12 md-8 will occupy 2/3 of the available space starting from the medium breakpoint and above, but will take up all available space on smaller screens.

Answer №2

To customize the spacing in your app, you can modify the $spacer variable before importing the styling when using stylus loaders. The default setting is 16 pixels, but changing this variable will ensure consistent spacing across all elements.

If you have different requirements, you can also adjust the $spacer-x, $spacer-y, or $spacers variables. Here are their default values:

$spacer := 16px
$spacer-x := $spacer
$spacer-y := $spacer
$spacers := {
  zero: {
    x: 0,
    y: 0
  one: {
    x: ($spacer-x * .25),
    y: ($spacer-y * .25)
  two: {
    x: ($spacer-x * .5),
    y: ($spacer-y * .5)
  three: {
    x: $spacer-x,
    y: $spacer-y
  four: {
    x: ($spacer-x * 1.5),
    y: ($spacer-y * 1.5)
  five: {
    x: ($spacer-x * 3),
    y: ($spacer-y * 3)


If adjusting the margins of vuetify components does not meet your needs, consider creating your own utility classes to go beyond m-5/p-5.

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