transitioning from font-awesome v4 to the latest version, v5

For a while now, I have been utilizing a responsive template. However, I am interested in updating its fa-module from v4 to v5. By downloading the free web package, replacing "font-awesome.min.css" with "all.min.css", and adjusting all references to the new font folder, I can now utilize all the new fa-icons with

"<span class="fa fa-..."></span>"
(or far, fas, fab prefixed), which is great.

Despite this success, I am having trouble using v5 icons with additional styles such as class="icon ..." or class="feature ...". Only the v5 solid family appears when I explicitly set
.icon:before { ... font-weight: 900; ... }
.feature:before { ... font-weight: 900; ... }
. Icons from the other 2 families display as square boxes showing the icon's hex code only.
If I set a weight of "400", only icons from the v5 regular family are displayed and the solid ones show up as squares with hex codes. Regardless of the weight I specify, the v5 brands family icons never appear.
How can I access icons from the brands family or from all 3 families equally?
Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

Answer №1

To make use of different Font Awesome icons, you must specify the Font Awesome family just like choosing between Arial and Times for displaying text on your website.

In your code snippet, include the following:

.icon:before {
  font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";
  font-weight: 900;
  content: "\f007";

The appearance variations in Font Awesome are achieved through a combination of font-family and font-weight.

If you are using the free version of Font Awesome, it only includes the "solid" and "Brands" styles with weights 900 and 400 respectively. The additional features you desire are part of the Pro version.

Refer to FA's Documentation for more information on this topic.

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