For a while now, I have been utilizing a responsive template. However, I am interested in updating its fa-module from v4 to v5. By downloading the free web package, replacing "font-awesome.min.css" with "all.min.css", and adjusting all references to the new font folder, I can now utilize all the new fa-icons with
"<span class="fa fa-..."></span>"
(or far, fas, fab prefixed), which is great.Despite this success, I am having trouble using v5 icons with additional styles such as
class="icon ..."
or class="feature ..."
. Only the v5 solid family appears when I explicitly set
.icon:before { ... font-weight: 900; ... }
or .feature:before { ... font-weight: 900; ... }
. Icons from the other 2 families display as square boxes showing the icon's hex code only.If I set a weight of "400", only icons from the v5 regular family are displayed and the solid ones show up as squares with hex codes. Regardless of the weight I specify, the v5 brands family icons never appear.
How can I access icons from the brands family or from all 3 families equally?
Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated...