Exploring the Differences in Table Resizing between IE8, IE7, and Chrome when using table-layout:fixed

For my HTML timeline view, I encountered an issue that I'm hoping to resolve:

I have a table row with 12 cells representing the 12 months, each with a colspan based on the number of days in that month. Another row in the same table contains the individual days, totaling 365 cells. The table has a fixed layout and a width of 100%. When resizing the table in Internet Explorer 8, all the month cells resize proportionally; however, in Internet Explorer 7 or Chrome, the resizing starts at the first month, creating the illusion that some months are shorter.

To visualize the problem, I've attached a screenshot showing that the months from August to January appear smaller than the others:

Here is a JSFiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/GZtrx/

Is there a way to fix this issue without relying on Javascript?

Answer №1

One alternative is to experiment with this approach: Check out this JsFiddle demo that employs a fixed percentage width instead of using colspan.

Answer №2

Here are some ideas:

Have you considered a retro approach by utilizing a 1x1 px transparent gif and adjusting the width using .CSS styles?

Using a transparent gif as a background for a cell.

Implementing min-width in the .CSS stylesheet.

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