Preventing the user from using the mouse wheel until the CSS animation finishes

I am working with multiple functions that are triggered by scrolling the mouse wheel up and down. These functions must be called in a specific order, but the issue arises when users scroll quickly causing the CSS animations from the previous function to not fully complete before the next function is called. How can I ensure that all CSS animations from the previous functions finish before allowing the user to continue scrolling?

Answer №1

If you want to temporarily disable scrolling on a webpage, you can achieve it by following these steps:

$('html, body').css({
    'overflow': 'hidden',
    'height': '100%'

$(".element").on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend MSTransitionEnd', function() {
    // Revert back to original state
    $('html, body').css({
        'overflow': 'auto',
        'height': 'auto'

This approach sets the CSS properties to disable scrolling initially using jQuery, and then reverts them back when the specified element has completed its transition.

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