The alignment issue persists in HTML/CSS despite troubleshooting efforts

I am facing a challenge while attempting to center text within a modal window, despite my efforts the text remains uncentered.

This is my HTML code:

<div ng-init="modalCompassDir()">
    <div class="myModal">
        <img class='floorImage' src={{items}}/>
        <div class="stickFigureDiv">
            <img class="stickFigure" style="height:30px; width:30px;" src="NavAppPics/stick_figure.gif"/>
            <img class="directionArrow" degrees='angle' rotate src='NavAppPics/transparentArrow.png' style="height:28px; width:25px;"  />

    <a class="address">{{address}}</a>


Here is my CSS code:

    display: block;
/*    height:300px;*/

    text-align: center;
/*    margin-left:10%;*/


I cannot seem to understand why the text-align property in my CSS code is not functioning as expected, I have referred to this example for guidance:

Edit: I mistakenly left one of the text-align properties set to 'center', I was experimenting with different options before reverting it back

Answer №1

To ensure your a element behaves correctly, remember to include the CSS property display: block. By default, a elements are considered inline, which means their width is determined by the content they contain. This can cause issues with properties like text-align, as they may not work as expected unless set within the container.

    text-align: center;
    display: block;

Check out this example on Fiddle

Answer №2

<div ng-init="modalCompassDir()">
    <div class="myModal">
        <img class='floorImage' src={{items}}/>
        <div class="stickFigureDiv">
            <img class="stickFigure" style="height:30px; width:30px;" src="NavAppPics/stick_figure.gif"/>
            <img class="directionArrow" degrees='angle' rotate src='NavAppPics/transparentArrow.png' style="height:28px; width:25px;"  />
            <a class="address">{{address}}</a>

put .address inside .myModal

Answer №3

To center your .address link within .myModal, you can either place the link inside .myModal or add a class to the parent div and apply text align center on that class:


<div ng-init="modalCompassDir()" class='custom_class'>
    <div class="myModal">
        <img class='floorImage' src={{items}}/>
        <div class="stickFigureDiv">
            <img class="stickFigure" style="height:30px; width:30px;" src="NavAppPics/stick_figure.gif"/>
            <img class="directionArrow" degrees='angle' rotate src='NavAppPics/transparentArrow.png' style="height:28px; width:25px;"  />

    <a class="address">{{address}}</a>



    display: block;

    text-align: right;

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