Optimal method for creating a seamless loop of animated elements passing through the viewport

My challenge involves managing a dynamic set of elements arranged next to each other in a row. I envision them moving in an infinite loop across the screen, transitioning seamlessly from one side to the other, as illustrated here: https://i.stack.imgur.com/UXxBY.png

If you want to see a Codepen demonstration of this concept, check out this link: Codepen Illustration. Imagine the viewport as the black box limiting your view outside of it.

I'm seeking an efficient method of implementing this conveyor belt/treadmill effect. Despite trying numerous approaches, I haven't found a reliable and flexible solution for what seems like a straightforward task. Any insights on how best to accomplish this?

In terms of resources, are there any concepts or libraries that could facilitate this process? Would the GreenSock library be a suitable option?

If my question is too vague or if there's a better forum to seek advice, please direct me accordingly.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Your statement of it being a "very simple problem" perplexes me, as I find it to be quite complex. Let's delve into the details:

  1. Firstly, you need to get the conveyor belt moving (presumably by adjusting the belt container).
  2. Next, you must trigger an action when an element has completely exited the screen.
  3. Move that specific element within the DOM to the opposite end of the conveyor belt while simultaneously adjusting the belt position to ensure a seamless transition in the animation.

This is my proposed solution, however, there is a likelihood that the animation may experience glitches or flickering when changes are made within the DOM, particularly if there are other animations running concurrently on the page. In such cases, consider cloning elements instead of relocating them and only removing the originals once the clones have finished rendering. Although this may appear similar, the browser will process them sequentially rather than simultaneously, which can alleviate potential issues.

Given my natural curiosity, I intend to create a demonstration of this concept later today. Should I discover any noteworthy findings or alternative approaches, I will provide an update.

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