jQuery automatic slider for seamless transitions

I am in need of assistance with the coding for a website I'm currently constructing at www.diveintodesign.co.uk/ChrisMcCrone/index.html

The coding being used is sourced from http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/

The central large image functions as a slideshow, with the two bars on either side serving as next and previous buttons that are working correctly. However, the automatic running feature is not functioning, even though the javascript includes timeout:0 parameter.

Can anyone identify what mistake I may have made?

Thank you,


Answer №1

Adjusting the timeout for each slide is a key factor in achieving the desired duration.

    fx:     'scrollHorz', 
    speed:  'fast', 
    timeout: 3000, // Set to 3 seconds
    next:   '#next', 
    prev:   '#prev' 

Answer №2

After studying your code and visiting the jQuery Cycle Plugin website, I noticed that adjusting the timeout value to a number greater than 0 is essential for enabling automatic sliding functionality.

    fx:     'scrollHorz', 
    speed:  'fast', 
    timeout: 5000,  // specify time in milliseconds
    next:   '#next', 
    prev:   '#prev' 

In addition, I'd like to point out that the black bars on the sides may not be immediately recognizable as buttons to control the slideshow.

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