Error Icon Displayed Incorrectly in Dynamically Generated List Items in Phonegap Android App

My attempt to dynamically create a list item with JSON response and set the data-icon to "check" is not working as expected. The result always shows "arrow-r" data-icon instead.

This is how I generate the list item:

function CallvarURL(url) {
    var respPrice ;
        url: url,
        type : "GET",
        dataType : "json",
        contentType: "application/json",
        async : false,
        success : function(msg) {
            respPrice = msg;
            $("#varList li").remove();
            $.each(respPrice.Value, function(index, value) {
                if(value.SubVar_id == 'NoDataFound' ) {
                    alert('No product is assigned to '+ localStorage.getItem('userId') +  ' for update the price please contact your admin.');
                } else {                        
                    vari = value.SrNo;
                    commVari = value.subVar_eng_name;
                    minPrice = value.Frm_price;
                    maxPrice = value.to_price;
                    var update = value.TimeCheck;
                    if (update == 'Y') {
                        $respPrice = '<li data-categoryId = "'+ vari +'" data-categoryId2 = "'+ minPrice +'" data-categoryId3 = "'+ maxPrice +'" data-categoryId4 = "'+ commVari +'"><a href="#" data-icon="star"><b class="stuff">' + commVari + '</b><br><b class="tcolour">' + minPrice + ' - ' + maxPrice + '</b></a></li>';
                    } else {
                        $respPrice = '<li data-categoryId = "'+ vari +'" data-categoryId2 = "'+ minPrice +'" data-categoryId3 = "'+ maxPrice +'" data-categoryId4 = "'+ commVari +'"><b class="stuff">' + commVari + '</b><br><b class="tcolour">' + minPrice + ' - ' + maxPrice + '</b></li>';

I'm unable to figure out why this is happening. I've tried changing the values for data-icon but it always displays "arrow-r". Any assistance would be appreciated.

Answer №1

It seems like you are utilizing jquery mobile based on your question. I have created a list with checkboxes in the following jsfiddle link. The right arrow in your code is likely due to it being included in a tag, as jquerymobile automatically adds right arrows.

Feel free to check out this jsfiddle for more details: ( I hope this helps!

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