Is there a peculiar issue with CSS float:right in IE9?

These are the styles I'm using:

For the parent container:

div.musicContainer {

And for the child containers:

div.hardcorePlayer {

div.feedbackPlayer {

The problem arises after installing IE9. While everything looked fine in IE8, now the feedbackPlayer div is not aligned to the right boundary anymore. It displays correctly in other browsers as it did before.

Could this be an issue with IE9?

Image of how it looks in IE9:

Image of how it looks in other browsers:

Thank you for any insights on this matter.

Website URL:

NOTE: You can find the new CSS here with the reset data included. Have I made a mistake somewhere?

Answer №1

It might be helpful to consider resetting the CSS in order to ensure consistency across all browsers, including default settings like padding and margins.

You can access a CSS reset and more information here:

Edit: For a related question, you can visit:

Answer №2

This content is displayed in a flash format.

To make the background color of the body white and change the .musicContainer to red, which should demonstrate that HTML is not failing but rather exhibiting behavior akin to flash-related bugs.

Experiment with zooming in Firefox (I have tested this on version 5.0) and you may notice a similar gap appearing after a few zoom levels.

Answer №3

Upon examining the website you provided, it appears that a CSS reset is not being utilized. The issue with how IE9 displays various elements like margins and padding could be causing the difference in appearance. When testing the site in IE9 myself, I did not encounter the problem, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact cause.

Answer №4

This is the strategy I've been using for websites that were created before IE9.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" />

Make sure this meta tag is the first one in your head tag, and IE9 will behave as if it were IE8, hopefully without any issues.

It has successfully resolved all of my website problems so far.

Happy coding!

Answer №5

The issue stems from flash redrawing and is consistent across IE8. Experiment by adjusting the width of the browser window, revealing improper updates.

Have you considered using an HTML5 player such as as an alternative?

Answer №6

One potential solution could involve utilizing JavaScript to detect the user's browser and adjust the size or position accordingly within an if statement.

For more information on how to check for specific browsers, consider checking out a helpful tutorial from W3Schools.

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