Creating a JQuery slider that efficiently loads and displays groups of elements consecutively

Currently, I am in the process of developing an infinite horizontal tab slider using jQuery. My main objective is to optimize loading time by having the slider display only the first 10 slides upon initial page load. Subsequent slides will be loaded as the user navigates through them using the next page button.

The issue I am facing (available for reference on this demo) is that the slider currently loads one additional slide at a time and may cut off parts of the slides depending on the browser size. How can I address this problem effectively?

Below is the excerpt of JavaScript code that I have implemented:

var element = $('.tab-container li');
var slider = $('.tab-container');
var sliderWrapper = $('.wrapper');
var totalWidth = sliderWrapper.innerWidth();
var elementWidth = element.outerWidth();
var sliderWidth = 0;
var positionSlideX = slider.position().left;
var newPositionSlideX = 0;

sliderWrapper.append('<span class="prev-slide"><</span><span class="next-slide">></span>');

element.each(function() {
  sliderWidth = sliderWidth + $(this).outerWidth() + 1;

  'width': sliderWidth

$('.next-slide').click(function() {
  if (newPositionSlideX > (totalWidth - sliderWidth)) {
    newPositionSlideX = newPositionSlideX - elementWidth;
      'left': newPositionSlideX
    }, check());

$('.prev-slide').click(function() {
  if (newPositionSlideX >= -sliderWidth) {
    newPositionSlideX = newPositionSlideX + elementWidth;
      'left': newPositionSlideX
    }, check());

function check() {
  if (sliderWidth >= totalWidth && newPositionSlideX > (totalWidth - sliderWidth)) {
      'right': 0
  } else {
      'right': -$(this).width()

  if (newPositionSlideX < 0) {
      'left': 0
  } else {
      'left': -$(this).width()

$(window).resize(function() {
  totalWidth = sliderWrapper.innerWidth();

Answer №1

If you want to streamline this process, consider keeping track of the index of the leftmost slide that is currently visible. This method is more commonly used.

var element = $('.tab-container li');
var slider = $('.tab-container');
var sliderWrapper = $('.wrapper');
var firstVisibleSlide = 0;
var nextButton;

sliderWrapper.prepend('<span class="prev-slide"><</span>').append('<span class="next-slide">></span>');

nextButton = $(".next-slide");

$('.next-slide').click(function() {
  if (slider.prop("offsetLeft") + slider.width() > nextButton.prop("offsetLeft")) {

$('.prev-slide').click(function() {
  if (firstVisibleSlide > 0) {

function move(dif){ 
  var left;

  firstVisibleSlide += dif; 
  left = -1 * element.eq(firstVisibleSlide).prop("offsetLeft");
      'left': left + "px"

To improve performance when loading images, you can implement lazy loading by setting them as background properties as they become visible. You can easily keep track of the last visible slide in a similar manner to how you are tracking the first visible slide, and preload as many or as few images as desired.

Check out the updated fiddle here.

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