Creating a notification feature for an HTML application

I am in the process of creating an HTML app through intel XDK. While I understand that using HTML to build apps is not as common, it is the language I am most familiar with, along with CSS.

One feature I would like to include in my app is a weekly notification that automatically sends out a message every Monday without the need for manual updates. The message would simply say: "new info has arrived". Is there a specific code or method to achieve this? I have limited coding knowledge and primarily focus on HTML/CSS. (The app is being developed for IOS.)

Answer №1

It is important to note that accomplishing this task using only HTML and CSS is not feasible. HTML serves as a markup language for structuring content on a webpage, while CSS is used for styling those elements. To achieve the functionality you desire, JavaScript must be implemented. By executing the provided code snippet in your browser's console, an alert will display the current date.

var currentDate = new Date();
var dayOfWeek = currentDate.getDay();

var daysOfWeek = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];

if (dayOfWeek == 1) {
    alert('New information available!');
} else {
    alert('Today is ' + daysOfWeek[dayOfWeek] + '. There are no updates for ' + daysOfWeek[dayOfWeek] + '.');

Answer №2

Yes, it is possible to achieve.

Take a look at this interesting website:

The method involves utilizing the Notifications API which is compatible across different browsers.

By using Notification.requestPermission(), a prompt will appear asking for permission to access notifications from the website.

After obtaining permission, you can proceed to create notifications as required.

You can find the complete API documentation here:

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