Removing extra spaces from a hyperlink using CSS

Can CSS be used to remove extra whitespaces? Within the code snippet provided, there is an additional whitespace in the <a> tag. This link is generated by a WordPress plugin and I prefer not to make changes directly to the source files of the plugin. The unwanted space exists within the source files themselves. One option could be applying CSS to the link.

click <a href="#" class="foo">here </a>to login.

If necessary, JavaScript could be used as a last resort. However, that solution doesn't seem ideal to me.

Answer №1

You have the option to implement a similar approach, although simply using display: inline-block should suffice in eliminating the extra space.

.bar {
  height : 50px;
click <div id="foo" class="bar">here </div> to proceed.

Answer №2

If you want to experiment with a negative margin-right, you can do so by adjusting the CSS like this: {
   display: inline-block;
   margin-right: -1em;
   padding-right: 1.25em;
click <a href="#" class="foo">here </a>to login.

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