Using CSS or Javascript, you can eliminate the (textnode) from Github Gist lists

My goal is to extract the username and / values from a series of gists on Github Gists. The challenge lies in the fact that there are no identifiable classes or IDs for the / value.

Below is the HTML snippet with a link to the Github Gists page and JSFiddle:

<div class="d-inline-block">
        <a data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/hovercards?user_id=167012" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self"
        <a href="/hanachin/2060751fca3444922386879ac666541e">
            <strong class="css-truncate-target">file0.txt</strong>
    <div class="text-gray" style="font-size:11px;">
        Last active
        <time-ago datetime="2019-03-08T08:24:35Z">Mar 8, 2019</time-ago>
    <span class="f6 text-gray">
        Ruby 2.7 ref:
        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>


View List of GitHub Gists

See DEMO on JSFiddle

I have managed to remove the icon and username using the following code:

[data-hovercard-type="user"] {

[data-hovercard-type="user"] img {

However, I am facing difficulty in accessing the / as it does not have any assigned classes and seems to be part of a node/#textnode. How can I extract this information?

Answer №1

There doesn't seem to be a CSS selector specifically for targeting text nodes, but one workaround is to hide the forward slash / by setting its font size to 0px.

This CSS solution may not be optimal since it relies on the current dom structure:

.gist-snippet-meta .d-inline-block > span:first-of-type {
    font-size: 0px;

.gist-snippet-meta .d-inline-block > span:first-of-type > a:last-of-type {
    /* Restore the font size back to its original value */
    font-size: 14px;

Alternatively, you could use JavaScript. One caveat is that you'll need to wait for the DOM to fully load before applying any changes.

It's also important to note that this approach assumes the file name is always the last anchor element in the parent container, unless you utilize Regular Expressions to extract the gist URL (which might impact performance) or have prior knowledge of the username.

For instance, assuming the username remains constant:

Array.from(document.querySelector('[data-hovercard-type="user"]')).forEach( e => {
    var parent = e.parentElement;
    parent.innerHTML = parent.querySelector('a[href*="hanachin/"]').outerHTML;

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