Adjust the active carousel item to 0 within onsen-ui (displaying a list of carousel items in a sliding menu)

In my sliding menu, each menu item contains a carousel with two items. I am trying to make the first carousel item show after closing and reopening the menu, or by clicking a button outside of the list on the menu page.

This is my current setup:

<ons-template id="menu.html">
            <span style = "text-align:center;width:30dp;margin:25%;">Presentations</span>
            <ons-list id ="list"  style="padding:0px;" ng-controller="ItemController">

            <ons-list-item ng-repeat="item in local" style="padding:0;">
              <ons-carousel  swipeable auto-scroll auto-refresh initial-index="0" style="height: 100%;width: 100%; position: absolute;">
                <ons-carousel-item style="padding:0;">
                  <ons-button modifier = "quiet" ng-click="menu.close();customSetMainPage(;">
                <ons-carousel-item style ="text-align: center;">
                  <ons-button ng-click="deletepresentation(;local.splice($index, 1);" >
                        <ons-icon icon="ion-trash-a"/>

               <ons-button modifier = "small" style="margin-left: 25%;"  id = "add"
                  if (runtime.diaginit == false) {
                  ons.createDialog('dialog.html').then(function(dialog) {;});}
                  else {;}
                  new  presentation 


I attempted to proceed as follows: This line

causes an error in my app, displaying:

undefined is not a function (evaluating '$scope.carousel[index].first()')

ons.ready(function() {
           menu.on('postclose', function() {

           menu.on('preclose', function() {


var application = angular.module('app', ['onsen']);
    $scope.local = [];
    $scope.itemToDefault = function (){
            var c = $scope.carousel;
            for (var index in $scope.carousel) {
                if( $scope.carousel.hasOwnProperty( index ) ) {


Answer №1

If you want to access your carousels, make sure to assign a "name" to them like this:

<ons-carousel var="carousel.{{$index}}" ...>
. Then use the following code snippet to reset each carousel back to its initial index:

for (var index in $scope.carousel) {
  if( $scope.carousel.hasOwnProperty( index ) ) {

You can call this code whenever needed, whether before or after a button action in the menu, or on events like postclose or preopen of the Sliding Menu (

mySlidingMenu.on('postclose', restore_all_carousels)

I hope this information proves useful!

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