What are the steps to utilize vue.js for dynamically adjusting my sidebar based on a URL input?

Greetings to the amazing community of Vue.js enthusiasts, I am a novice looking to develop a single-page web application using vue.js. This application will consist of a fixed header and dynamic body content that changes based on user interactions.

Here's how I envision it working: The initial page will be located at www.mypage.com/home. Upon clicking a button, the body content will transform and the URL will update to something like www.mypage.com/contentOne. Importantly, the header will remain constant throughout these changes, and there should be no need to refresh the site. While I've come across similar implementations in react.js, I have yet to find a suitable example for vue.js.

Do you recommend incorporating node.js or Ruby on Rails into this project? If so, is there a helpful tutorial available?

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you're feeling overwhelmed by Node.js or Ruby on Rails, don't worry about them.

Instead, I suggest using the Vue CLI for building your app. This tool takes care of all the configurations, saving you time and effort. With features like vue-router, you can easily create a Single Page Application. Place your header in the main App.vue file, and load the body content into the router view.

For more guidance, check out the detailed and well-written documentation on Vue Router docs.

Answer №2

If you're looking to learn more about Vue.js, I highly recommend checking out the "Get started" section on vuejs.org (https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/). They have great examples and tutorials that can help you get started, like this one: . It's a fantastic resource for creating what you're looking for.

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