Problems revolving around the fundamental CSS drop-down menu concept

I'm struggling to center a CSS drop-down menu on my webpage without causing the drop-down effect to break. No matter what I try, it seems to mess up. What am I missing?

Snippet of code:

q:before,q:after{content:'';content:none;}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing: 0;}


nav ul li{line-height:44px;float:left;background-color:#64abfb;padding:10px;}
nav ul li a{color:#FFF;padding:10px;font-size:20px;}
nav ul li ul{display:none;}
nav ul li:hover ul{display:list-item;position:absolute;margin-top:5px;margin-left:-10px;}
nav ul li:hover ul li{float:none;}

li a:hover{border-bottom:3px red solid;}
li > a:after{content:' »';}
li > a:only-child:after{content:'';}  
    <div id="wrap">
                <li><a href="#">Menu 1</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Menu 2</a></li>
                    <a href="#">Menu 3</a>
                        <li><a href="#">Drop 1</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Drop 2</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Drop 3</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Menu 4</a></li>

Answer №1

To adjust the width and margin of the ul element, follow these simple steps:

#wrap nav ul {
    width: 430px;
    margin: auto;

Snippet to implement the CSS rules:

q:before,q:after{content:'';content:none;}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing: 0;}

#wrap {max-width:1280px;width:100%;margin:auto;}

nav ul {width: 430px; margin: auto;}
nav ul li{line-height:44px;float:left;background-color:#64abfb;padding:10px;}
nav ul li a{color:#FFF;padding:10px;font-size:20px;}
nav ul li ul{display:none;}
nav ul li:hover ul{display:list-item;position:absolute;margin-top:5px;margin-left:-10px;}
nav ul li:hover ul li{float:none;}

li a:hover{border-bottom:3px red solid;}
li > a:after{content:' »';}
li > a:only-child:after{content:'';}
    <div id="wrap">
                <li><a href="#">Menu 1</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Menu 2</a></li>
                    <a href="#">Menu 3</a>
                        <li><a href="#">Drop 1</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Drop 2</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Drop 3</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Menu 4</a></li>

If you prefer not to specify the ul width, you can make it inline-block and align its parent element's text to the center.

Alternate snippet with revised alignment:

q:before,q:after{content:'';content:none;}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing: 0;}

#wrap {max-width:1280px;width:100%;margin:auto;}

nav {text-align: center}
nav ul {display: inline-block; margin: auto;}
nav ul li{line-height:44px;float:left;background-color:#64abfb;padding:10px;}
nav ul li a{color:#FFF;padding:10px;font-size:20px;}
nav ul li ul{display:none;}
nav ul li:hover ul{display:list-item;position:absolute;margin-top:5px;margin-left:-10px;}
nav ul li:hover ul li{float:none;}

li a:hover{border-bottom:3px red solid;}
li > a:after{content:' »';}
li > a:only-child:after{content:'';}
    <div id="wrap">
                <li><a href="#">Menu 1</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Menu 2</a></li>
                    <a href="#">Menu 3</a>
                        <li><a href="#">Drop 1</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Drop 2</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Drop 3</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Menu 4</a></li>

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