Customizing the text color of steps in a v-stepper component using Vuetify.js

When working with the v-stepper component of VuetifyJS, it is easy to change the color of the steps themselves by using the `color` prop. But how can I alter the text of each step?

Specifically, I am looking to modify the color of the text that says Name of step 1 in the example below:

 <v-stepper-step :complete="e1 > 1" step="1" color="red">Name of step 1</v-stepper-step>

Here is a screenshot for reference:

For the full code and implementation details, you can check out this Codepen demo.

Answer №1

If you are considering using Vuetify.js, one option is to apply the red--text class directly to your span element:

<span class="red--text">Name of Step 1</span>

Alternatively, for a more daring approach, you could override the CSS for the .v-stepper__label class:

.v-stepper__label {
  color: red !important;

Answer №2

After revisiting the problem, I stumbled upon an easy fix:

All I did was enclose

<span style="color:red">Name of Step 1</span>

If you happen to know a Vuetify.js method for achieving this, kindly share it with me.

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