Is it possible to customize the Angular Kendo Grid to be non-scrollable and automatically adjust its height to fit the row contents?

I'm trying to create a Kendo Grid in Angular that is Non-Scrollable and adjusts its height to fit the row contents. However, my current implementation is not working as expected, as it still gives me a fixed height.

<kendo-grid [data]="propertyViews" [style.height.%]="100"

<kendo-grid-column field="fullName" title="Full Name" [width]="80">
    <ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem let-rowIndex="rowIndex">
<kendo-grid-column field="address" title="Mailing Address" [width]="40">
    <ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem let-rowIndex="rowIndex">

Answer №1

For a demonstration, refer to the stackblitz link here

This includes two versions of the Kendo grid - one scrollable and the other non-scrollable. The height for the grid does not need to be specified.

To address any issues, examine the context surrounding the grid. Could you kindly provide a stackblitz sample that replicates the problem?

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