Interactive search tool for toggling visibility of elements

Hello everyone, this is my initial post on StackOverflow. Keeping my fingers crossed that it goes smoothly!

<input type="Text" id="filterTextBox" placeholder="Filter by name"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/events.js"></script>
$("#filterTextBox").on("keyup", function () {
    var search = this.value;
    $(".kurssikurssi").show().filter(function () {
        return $(".course", this).text().indexOf(search) < 0;


I have integrated a JavaScript snippet similar to this in my school project, you can check it out here:

The search bar at the bottom of the page is designed to filter divs and only display those containing a specific keyword. For instance, if you enter "Digital Electronics," it will only show divs with text "Digital Electronics II" and "Digital Electronics." Currently, when I input random characters, everything hides as expected. However, if I start typing the beginning of a course name, it fails to hide courses that do not match the text string.

I have included an example that I found useful (link):

It's a bit tricky to explain, but I hope you'll understand once you try using the search functionality on my site. As a beginner in JavaScript, I grasp setting the searchbox string as 'var search,' but the other details are fuzzy for me.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance in dissecting the script, identifying where I might be making mistakes, and suggesting how to resolve the issue.

Answer №1

It seems like in this scenario, you are toggling the visibility of the course parent element based on user input.

$("#filterTextBox").on("keyup", function () {
    var query = $(this).val().trim().toLowerCase();
    $(".course").show().filter(function () {
        return $(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(query) < 0;

Answer №2

Give this a try, it's currently working. Simply paste the code below into your console and test it out by searching.

$("#filterTextBox").on("keyup", function () {
    var search = this.value;  
    if( search == '') { 
    $( ".course" ).each(function() {
        a = this; 
        if ( > 0 ) {
            this.hidden = false
        } else {
            this.hidden = true
    }); })

Give it a go and see that the search function is indeed now operational.

Answer №3

The root of your issue lies here:

return $(".course", this)

According to the jQuery documentation:

Internally, selector context is implemented with the .find() method, so $( "span", this ) is equivalent to $( this ).find( "span" )

The filter function already checks each element individually. Therefore, when you attempt to place $(".course") within the context, it will retrieve all elements again...

A more efficient solution would be:

$("#filterTextBox").on('keyup', function()
    var search = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
        return $(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(search) < 0;

Alternatively, you can use the :contains() CSS selector, but it may not be optimized for a large list and might not work across all browsers.

Answer №4

Your previous approach to accessing elements was incorrect. The following code should now work:

$(".kurssikurssi").find('.course').show().filter(function () {
      var $this = $(this)
      if($this.text().indexOf(search) < 0){

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