Experiencing Difficulty Retaining Checkbox State Using LocalStorage Upon Page Reload

At the moment, I have a script that automatically clicks on a random checkbox whenever the page loads or refreshes. Through localStorage, I can also view the value of the input assigned to the randomly selected checkbox.

However, I'm facing an issue where none of the checkboxes stay checked upon page load or refresh using localStorage and it has left me puzzled right now.


<div id="all-games">
      <h2>Microsoft Xbox</h2>
         <ul id="games" class="no-bullets">
            <img src="./Game Covers/Microsoft/Microsoft Xbox/call of duty 3.png">
            <li class="video-game"><label><input type="checkbox" value="cod-3" onchange="scrollToGame()"/></label>Call of Duty 3</li>

            <!-- Other game checkboxes -->



   const games = document.querySelectorAll(".video-game input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked)"); // select games that are currently not checked
   const checkbox = Math.floor(Math.random() * games.length); // get a random index from 0 to games length
   const scrolledGame = games[checkbox];
   scrolledGame.click(); // click on the checkbox for the randomly selected game
   const gameValue = scrolledGame.value;

   function scrollToGame() { 
         behavior: "smooth"


   if (scrolledGame.checked) {
      localStorage.setItem('game title', gameValue); // title value of the selected checkbox via localStorage
      scrolledGame.checked = true;

   if (localStorage.getItem('game title') === gameValue) {
      scrolledGame.checked = true;

Answer №1

Query: I've struggled to maintain the checked status of checkboxes after a page load or refresh using localStorage

The issue arises from each page refresh resulting in a new checkbox being checked, causing inconvenience. Your approach to saving and retrieving 'game title' is correct. To maintain checkbox states persistently, refrain from altering them upon page refresh. Instead, retrieve 'game title' and check the corresponding checkbox.

Below code snippet ensures the persistence of the last checked checkbox:

<div id="all-games">
       <h2>Microsoft Xbox</h2>
          <ul id="games" class="no-bullets">
             <img src="./Game Covers/Microsoft/Microsoft Xbox/call of duty 3.png">
             <li class="video-game"><label><input type="checkbox" id="cod-3" onchange="save('cod-3')"/></label>Call of Duty 3</li>
             <img src="./Game Covers/Microsoft/Microsoft Xbox/phantasy star online episode i & ii.png">
             <li class="video-game"><label><input type="checkbox" id="phantasy-star-online" onchange="save('phantasy-star-online')"/></label>Phantasy Star Online Episode I</li>
             <img src="./Game Covers/Microsoft/Microsoft Xbox/phantasy star online episode i & ii.png">
             <li class="video-game"><label><input type="checkbox" id="phantasy-star-online-ii" onchange="save('phantasy-star-online-ii')"/></label>Phantasy Star Online Episode II</li>
             <img src="./Game Covers/Microsoft/Microsoft Xbox/shrek.png">
             <li class="video-game"><label><input type="checkbox" id="shrek" onchange="save('shrek')"/></label>Shrek</li>
             <img src="./Game Covers/Microsoft/Microsoft Xbox/soulcaliber ii.png">
             <li class="video-game"><label><input type="checkbox" id="soulcaliber-ii" onchange="save('soulcaliber-ii')"/></label>SoulCalibur II</li>
             <img src="./Game Covers/Microsoft/Microsoft Xbox/spiderman 2.png">
             <li class="video-game"><label><input type="checkbox" id="spiderman-2" onchange="save('spiderman-2')"/></label>Spider-Man 2</li>
             <img src="./Game Covers/Microsoft/Microsoft Xbox/star wars episode iii.png">
             <li class="video-game"><label><input type="checkbox" id="star-wars-episode-iii" onchange="save('star-wars-episode-iii')"/></label>Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith</li>


    if (localStorage.getItem('game title')) {  
      let game = localStorage.getItem('game title')
      document.querySelector(`input[id=${game}]`).checked = true;

    function save(game) { 
      if (document.querySelector(`input[id=${game}]`).checked === true) {
        localStorage.setItem('game title', game); 
      } else {
        localStorage.setItem('game title', '')


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