Utilizing JavaScript to trigger a series of click events on a single button in order to

I am working on implementing a click event for a checkbox that will add and remove CSS classes using the "classList.toggle" method. Specifically, I want the checkbox to toggle between adding the "xyz" class on the first click, and then adding the "abc" class while removing the "xyz" class on the second click.

  const openModal = document.getElementById('mark-as-gift');
  const modalBg = document.querySelector('.addtnew');
  openModal.addEventListener('click', openModalBtn);
  function openModalBtn() {

That's where I currently stand with my JavaScript code. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

One way to check if a class is present in an element and remove it if it exists is by using

DOM.className.split(' ').indexOf(yourclassname)
followed by
. Here's an example:

const openModal = document.getElementById('mark-as-gift');
const modalBg = document.querySelector('.addtnew');

openModal.addEventListener('click', openModalBtn);

function openModalBtn() {
if(modalBg.className.split(" ").indexOf("menscart2") >= 0) {
} else {
console.log(`This element's current class name: ${modalBg.className}`)
.menscart2 {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: blue;
<input id="mark-as-gift" type="checkbox" />
<div class="addtnew">Hello</div>

Answer №2

const showModalBtn = document.querySelector("modalButton")
const modalContainer = document.querySelector('.newModal');
const styles = ["style1", "style2"];
let isShown = false;

showModalBtn.addEventListener('click', showModal);

function showModal() {
    modalContainer.classList.add(styles[+ isShown]);
    modalContainer.classList.remove(styles[+ !isShown]);
    isShown = !isShown;

Answer №3

To make things simpler and tidier, consider changing the classes you're using to toggle a single class instead. You can use :not(.class) to select the element if it does not have the class.

const openModal = document.querySelector('.toggle');
const modalBg = document.querySelector('.modal');
openModal.addEventListener('click', openModalBtn);
function openModalBtn() {
.modal.open {
  background-color: green;
  color: white;
.modal:not(.open) {
  background-color: red;
  color: white;
<button class="toggle">Toggle</button>
<div class="modal">Modal</div>

If you need two classes but are indifferent about the "invalid states" where the element has none or both classes, you can simply do something like this:

  const openModal = document.querySelector('.toggle');
const modalBg = document.querySelector('.modal');
openModal.addEventListener('click', openModalBtn);
function openModalBtn() {
.modal.open {
  background-color: green;
  color: white;
.modal.closed {
  background-color: red;
  color: white;
<button class="toggle">Toggle</button>
<div class="modal closed">Modal</div>

If handling invalid states is important to you, establish some guidelines on how to deal with them.

Answer №4

If you prefer, you can alternatively utilize a basic .toggle() function with your classList, similar to what you attempted in your original script:

const toggleModal = document.getElementById('toggle-modal');
const modalContent=document.querySelector(".modal-content");
toggleModal.addEventListener('click', toggleModalClasses);
function toggleModalClasses() {
.active {opacity:1}
.inactive {opacity:0}
<button id="toggle-modal">Toggle Modal</button>
<div class="modal-content active">This is the content of the modal.</div>

Answer №5

To enable toggling in the DOM, you have the option of using the toggle method or utilizing a boolean variable to determine if the checkbox is selected. Check out this link for more information from the official MDN Docs.

Here's an example showcasing the toggle method:

var item = document.getElementById("myItem");

Hopefully, that clarifies things for you :)

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