How can we use jQuery to extract an HTML element's external stylesheet and add it to its "style" attribute?

My goal is to extract all CSS references from an external stylesheet, such as

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/General.css">
, and add them to the existing styling of each HTML element on my page (converting all CSS to inline).

The reason for this requirement is because I need to use .html() to capture a specific div and send it to the server to generate a PDF. However, the tool I am using only recognizes inline CSS.

Is there a way to achieve this?

Edit: The question identified as a "possible duplicate" only mentioned placing everything within the <style> tag. While that approach could be beneficial, my main focus is on incorporating the styles into the style="" attribute in the HTML markup.

Answer №1

I have previously utilized

to achieve this task. This method provides a map of all styles that are applied to the element, allowing you to iterate through them and apply as an inline style. It is advisable not to directly apply these styles to the DOM if possible (consider creating a document fragment or concatenating it in the style string before sending it up). Applying too many inline styles to an element can significantly impact performance.

Even when using computed styles, there may still be vendor-prefixed styles present in the user agent stylesheet. Therefore, transferring markup from Firefox to PhantomJS (webkit) might result in the element looking different than expected.

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