Animations are failing to run within a Bootstrap card when using Vue rendering

I have utilized Bootstrap cards to display pricing information in my project. I implemented a collapse feature for half of the card when the screen size is equal to mobile width. While using vanilla Bootstrap, the animation worked seamlessly with the collapsing class as expected. However, after converting my project to Vue JS, the collapsing class stopped functioning entirely. The project is built entirely on Bootstrap and I have integrated a jQuery plugin into Vue. Below is a snippet of my code.

        <div class="prices">
           <div class="container">
              <h1 class="comfortHeader" id="comfortHeader" style="margin-bottom: 50px;">Our Prices</h1>
              <div class="d-flex row no-gutters justify-content-center">
                 <div class="card text-center mt-3" v-for="(price,i) in pricing" :key="i" id="body-collapsed">
                    <div class="card-body">
                       <h5 class="card-title">10 Lessons</h5>
                       <h5 id="biggerSize" class="card-title" style="font-weight: bold; padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:15px;">1,600 <span class="fas fa-tenge d-inline-block"></span></h5>
                       <p id="card-height" class="card-text">per lesson</p>
                       <p class="card-text">Total Payment: 16,000 KZT </p>
                       <button class="SeeTheCourse mt-5">Start Learning</button>
                       <a class="collapsed d-lg-none d-md-block" 
                       <span class="fa fa-chevron-down pull-bottom"></span>
                       <div id="collapseOne"  v-if="price.items.length>0" class="collapse d-lg-block" :class="{show: price.expand}" aria-labelledby="body-collapsed">
                          <transition-group name="list">
                             <div v-for="(subItem,j) in price.items" :key="j">
                                <p id="lowerbodyparagraph" class="card-text">{{subItem.price1}}</p>
                                <p id="lowerbodyparagraph" class="card-text">{{subItem.price2}}</p>
                                <p id="lowerbodyparagraph" class="card-text" style="border-bottom: none;" >{{subItem.price3}}</p>
                 <div  v-for="(price,i) in pricing" :key="'k'+i" class="card text-center mt-3" id="body-collapsed2">
                    <div class="card-body">
                       <h5  class="card-title" >30 Lessons</h5>
                       <h5 id="biggerSize" class="card-title d-inline-block" style="font-weight: bold; padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:15px;">1,300 <span class="fas fa-tenge d-inline-block"></span></h5>
                       <p id="card-height" class="card-text">per lesson</p>
                       <p class="card-text">Total Payment: 39,000 KZT </p>
                       <p class="economyTariff">Save 9,000 KZT</p>
                       <button class="SeeTheCourse">Start Learning</button>
                       <a class="collapsed d-lg-none d-md-block" 
                       <span class="fa fa-chevron-down pull-bottom fa-md"></span>
                       <div id="collapseTwo"  v-if="price.items.length>0" class="collapse d-lg-block" :class="{show: price.expand}" aria-labelledby="body-collapsed2">
                          <div v-for="(subItem,j) in price.items" :key="'l'+j">
                             <p id="lowerbodyparagraph" class="card-text">{{subItem.price4}}</p>
                             <p id="lowerbodyparagraph"  class="card-text">{{subItem.price5}}</p>
                             <p id="lowerbodyparagraph" class="card-text" style="border-bottom: none;">{{subItem.price6}}</p>
                 <div  v-for="(price,i) in pricing" :key="'p'+i" class="card text-center mt-3" id="body-collapsed3">
                    <div class="card-body">
                       <div class="sale">
                           Best Choice!
                       <h5 class="card-title">60 Lessons</h5>
                       <h5 id="biggerSize" style="color: #2FAFE5;font-weight: bold; padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:15px;" class="card-title">1,000 <span class="fas fa-tenge d-inline-block"></span></h5>
                       <p id="card-height" class="card-text">per lesson</p>
                       <p class="card-text">Total Payment: 60,000 KZT</p>
                       <p class="economyTariff">Save 16,000 KZT</p>
                       <button class="SeeTheCourse">Start Learning</button>
                       <a class="collapsed d-lg-none d-md-block" 
                       <span class="fa fa-chevron-down pull-bottom"></span>
                       <div id="collapseThree"  v-if="price.items.length>0" class="collapse d-lg-block" :class="{show: price.expand}" aria-labelledby="body-collapsed3">
                          <div v-for="(subItem,j) in price.items" :key="'k'+j">
                             <p id="lowerbodyparagraph" class="card-text">{{subItem.price7}}</p>
                             <p id="lowerbodyparagraph"  class="card-text">{{subItem.price8}}</p>
                             <p id="lowerbodyparagraph" class="card-text">{{subItem.price9}}</p>
                             <p id="lowerbodyparagraph" class="card-text" style="border-bottom: none;">{{subItem.price10}}
   import $ from 'jquery'
   export default {
     pricing: [{
            name: 'price1',
             expand: false,
              items: [{
          price1:"10 online lessons",
          price2:"Interactive tasks",
          price3:"Unlimited access to materials",
                 price4:"30 online lessons",
          price5:"Interactive tasks",
          price6:"Unlimited access to materials",
             price7:"60 online lessons",
          price8:"Premium support",
          price10:"Unlimited access to materials"
   methods: {
       navItemCollapse(index) {
         this.pricing =, i) => {
           item.expand = !item.expand
           if (i !== index) {
             item.expand = false
           return item

Answer №1

Upon testing your code in my development environment, I observed a couple of issues. Firstly, you forgot to close the <template> tag. Also, in the data() section of your script, remember to use a , after defining each property.

After making these revisions, I integrated bootstrap and jQuery into my main.js file as shown below:

import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'

import 'jquery/src/jquery.js'

import 'bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js'

I've also commented out the <transition-group> tag due to an encountered warning. The span tags used were replaced with text. Below is the complete Vue component I'm working with:

        // Your template content here...
   export default {
     pricing: [{
            name: 'price1',
             expand: false,
              items: [{
          price1:"10 online lessons",
          price2:"Interactive exercises",
          price3:"Unlimited access to materials",
                 price4:"30 online lessons",
          price5:"Interactive exercises",
          price6:"Unlimited access to materials",
             price7:"60 online lessons",
          price8:"Premium support",
          price10:"Unlimited access to materials"
   methods: {
       navItemCollapse(index) {
         this.pricing =, i) => {
           item.expand = !item.expand
           if (i !== index) {
             item.expand = false
           return item

On mobile screens, the a tags are displayed correctly, and the collapse functionality works fine. However, I noticed that there is no animation, which could be due to missing CSS styles from your end!

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