In search of a regular expression for identifying any of several classes

In the process of upgrading all my websites, I decided to redesign them so that all URL's default to lower case. This meant changing all image names and paths to lower case as well, which was accomplished using regexes. However, this action inadvertently changed a lot of other things to lowercase too.

Previously, a typical div looked like this:

<div class="Cool R P Wx500">

Now, some divs look like this:

<div class="cool r p wx500">

It should be noted that only some divs and other tags were affected by this change.

I am now seeking a regex pattern that will help me find specific classes such as "Cool," "R," or "Wx500." Since my classes are not always listed in a particular order and some consist of a single letter (e.g., B = border and R = float to the right), finding a suitable regex is proving to be tricky.

Ideally, I would like to search for divs that contain the class "Cool" and then separately search for divs that contain the class "R." It would also be beneficial if these searches could be made case-sensitive. For instance, searching for divs with the class R but only where it has been changed to lower case (e.g., [div class="cool r"])

Is there a way to achieve this? While Dreamweaver offers a reliable regular expression utility, it does not seem to have the functionality to select one class out of a series. As a Mac user, I primarily use Dreamweaver and TextWrangler as my text editors.

Answer №1

If you want to find and replace a specific class in your HTML code, you can do so using the following regular expression pattern:


To use this pattern, simply replace r with the class you are searching for, and then replace it with $1new$2, where new is the new class name you want to assign.

Here is an explanation of the pattern elements:

  • .*?: Matches any character non-greedily.
  • \b: Represents a word boundary (including quotes).
  • () GROUP: The first part will be placed in group 1 ($1), and the second part in group 2 ($2).

For example, the pattern will match these instances:

<div class="r">
<div class="r cool p wx500">
<div class="cool r p wx500">
<div class="cool c wx300 r">

But it will not match the following:

<div class="runcool c wx300">
<div class="uncool cr wrx300">
<div class="uncool c wx300r">
<div class="R">

Answer №2

In case Dreamweaver does not have support for lookarounds (I am unable to confirm as I do not have access to it), you can try the following alternative method:

an example using "cool" as a class

Search for

(<div ([^>]+ )?class="([^"]+ )?)cool( |")

Replace with $1Cool$4

Here, $1/$4 refers to "everything captured by the first/fourth set of parentheses".

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