My lists are not being styled by Embedded and Internal CSS

I want the ingredients list to be styled in green, equipment list in red, and method list in blue using different CSS techniques. My external works fine for changing the color to red, but my internal styles don't seem to apply to the other lists.

<!DOCTYPE html>

     ol {color: blue; 
         font-style: italic;
  <title>Emily's Cooking Page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="demo1.css" />

 <h1>Cooking for Students</h1>
  <p>This page will show you how to make basic <b>macaroni</b> with all shop bought ingredients & how to store it properly</p>

  <img src="macaroni.jpg" width="104" height="142">

  <tr><td>prep: 5 minutes</td></tr>
  <tr><td>cook: 30 minutes</td></tr>
  <tr><td>difficulty: easy</td></tr>
  <tr><td>quantity made: 3 to 4 meals</td></tr>

 <p>all found in Morrisons supermarkets</p>
  <ul style="color:green;">
    <li>250g pasta</li>
    <li>300g cheese sauce</li>

  <ul style="color:red;">
    <li>wooden spoon</li>
    <li>oven with hob</li>
    <li>two to three tubs</li>

    <li>On oven, turn hob to high heat. Fill a large saucepan with water and place on hob, allow water to begin boiling.</li>
    <li>Once water is boiling, put all 250g of pasta into the saucepan and begin stirring with a wooden spoon.</li>
    <li>Boiling pasta for 20 minutes or until soft. Use a knife or fork to test how hard the pasta is.</li>
    <li>Take the saucepan off the hob and turn the hob down to a low heat. Using a sieve, drain all the water out of the saucepan and place pasta back into saucepan.</li>
    <li>Place saucepan back on the hob and add 300g of cheese sauce to saucepan.</li>
    <li>Mix the cheese sauce and pasta for 5 minutes</li>
    <li>Turn hob off. Spread the macaroni into two or three separate tubs and allow them to cool down. Alternatively, you can eat one serving straight after cooking.</li>
    <li>Once cooled down, place in fridge. To eat, place in microwave for 1 minute and a half, stir, then another minute (you can even add grated cheese on top after stirring).</li>
    <li>After two days, move tubs to the freezer, to de-frost, place tub back in fridge and allow for one day of defrosting in fridge before microwaving and serving.</li> 

 <p>Other Recipes:</p>
  <a href="">BBC GoodFood Macaroni Recipe</a>
  <a href="">Food Network Macaroni Recipes</a>

Answer №1

All lists that are ordered must follow this particular rule.

ol {
  color: blue; 
  font-style: italic;

Hence, every ol should display in blue color.

The list of ingredients is represented by a ul with the inline style set to green:

<ul style="color:green;">
  <li>250g pasta</li>
  <li>300g cheese sauce</li>

If you wish to have the equipment list displayed in red, you can do so by:

<ul style="color: red">
  <li>wooden spoon</li>
  <li>oven with hob</li>
  <li>two to three tubs</li>

However, I recommend creating specific classes for each color.

For instance,

.color-blue {
  color: blue;

.color-red {
  color: red;

.color-green {
  color: green;
<ul class="color-green;">
  <li>250g pasta</li>
  <li>300g cheese sauce</li>

<ul class="color-red;">
  <li>wooden spoon</li>
  <li>oven with hob</li>
  <li>two to three tubs</li>

<ol class="color-blue">
  <li>On oven, turn hob to high heat. Fill a large saucepan with water and place on hob, allow water to begin boiling.</li>

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