Troubleshooting: How can I ensure my custom scrollbar updates when jQuery niceselect expands?

I am currently utilizing the jquery plugins mCustomScrollbar and niceselect. However, I have encountered an issue when expanding the niceselect dropdown by clicking on it - the mCustomScrollbar does not update accordingly. I suspect this is due to the absolute positioning of the dropdown list. How can I resolve this issue?

To see the problem in action, please visit:

var $ = jQuery.noConflict(),
wrapper = $('.wrapper');

Answer №1

After experimenting with your fiddler tool, I encountered the issue.

However, upon transferring this code to an HTML file, it appears to be functioning correctly.

I am sharing it here as an answer because it simplifies the process of sharing code.

Feel free to copy and paste this code into an HTML document for testing purposes. It seems that there might have been a restriction within the fiddler tool. Please update us on your findings.

        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
            body {
                overflow: hidden;

            .wrapper {
                height: 100vh;

            .mCSB_dragger_bar {
                background-color: #988f01 !important;
            .nice-select {
                float: none;
                .list {
                    width: 100%;
        <div class="wrapper">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolore, porro voluptatibus accusantium saepe dolor, numquam, debitis magnam consequatur ullam quaerat laudantium pariatur suscipit, ratione odio libero dicta deleniti! Adipisci, vero.

            [Rest of the HTML code has been omitted for brevity]


        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>

        [JavaScript code for functionality omitted for brevity]


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