Achieving an IE7 opacity background while keeping the text unaffected

This is the given HTML code structure (view in JS Fiddle)

How can I adjust the background color to be 20% opaque white while keeping the text black? It needs to be compatible with IE7.

<ul class="menu">
    <li class="first expanded active-trail active menu-mlid-188"><a href="/educatours/aboutus" title="" class="active-trail active">About Us</a>
    <li class="expanded menu-mlid-186"><a href="/educatours/tour_process" title="">Teachers</a>

body {
} a {
} li {
ul li.expanded {


Answer №1

To keep things simple, my recommendation is to use a transparent PNG image along with some PNG fix JavaScript for ensuring compatibility.

Check out this link for more information:

If that doesn't work for you, you can also try following Chris Coyier's advice on opacity:

Learn more here:

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