Modify the displayed image when hovering using inline coding techniques

I am having trouble changing an image on hover. I have attempted various methods without success. However, I need to stick with something similar to this code. Please let me know if there are any issues with this code. Thank you in advance.


    <a href = "">
    <img id = "home-button" alt = "" src = "" 

Answer №1

Before proceeding, make sure to verify that jQuery is included and inspect the console for any errors. Additionally, it seems like you may be overcomplicating your code when a simpler solution exists. You can simply use this.src:

<a href="#">
  <img src="//"

Things to Check:

  1. Check the browser console for errors.
  2. Confirm if jQuery has been properly loaded.
  3. Verify that the image path is accurate.

Answer №2

If you're looking to add a hover effect to an image, there's a couple of ways you can achieve this. One option is using jquery, but for a simpler solution, you can stick with CSS. All you need is the :hover selector to change the background-image property upon hovering over the image. Check out this example. Here's the code snippet:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Alter an image on mouse hover</title>
            .image {
                width: 130px;
                height: 195px;
                clip-path: border-box;
                background: url( no-repeat;
                background: url( no-repeat;
            body {
                font-family: sans-serif;
                text-align: center;
<div class="image" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"></div>

Answer №3

If you are looking to dynamically alter image on hover, one efficient way is by utilizing CSS.

Alternatively, if you prefer to achieve this at runtime, you can refer to the methods outlined in the following post: Changing CSS properties on hover using JavaScript

Answer №4

Give this a try, it should do the trick.

Here's how you can create a hover effect using jQuery:

function addHoverEffect(element) {
    element.setAttribute('src', '');
function removeHoverEffect(element) {
    element.setAttribute('src', '');

Don't forget to include the following in your HTML:

<img src="my-src" onmouseover="addHoverEffect(this);" onmouseout="removeHoverEffect(this);" />

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