Differences Between Vuetify Breakpoints and CSS Helper Classes

As I browse through the Vuetify documentation and various code snippets on the web, I often come across examples that mention using either a Vuetify breakpoint or a CSS helper class to make an element responsive to screen size changes.

Is there a preferred method or best practice for this, or perhaps a slight performance variation that could help me decide when to choose one over the other?

For instance:

<p v-if="$vuetify.breakpoint.hiddenMdAndUp">...</p>
// vs
<p class="hidden-md-and-up">...</p>

Answer №1

When it comes to CSS helper classes, they rely solely on the browser and its processing of media queries. Using a piece of JavaScript for the same purpose may be slower, as it will always lag behind other methods like v-if.

Furthermore, if you find yourself needing to use JavaScript to toggle element visibility, Vue recommends using v-show instead of v-if since it manipulates the display property rather than constantly adding or removing elements from the DOM. For more information, refer to the Vue.js documentation.

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