Combination of written content and mathematical equations displayed on an HTML webpage

I've been tasked with creating something similar to the following on an HTML page:

The math tag in HTML is not suitable because it struggles with handling the line break between parts "/begin()-/end()". To achieve the desired effect (successfully done in LaTeX), I have come up with the following:


However, when implemented in HTML:

<p><span class="math inline">\(\left\lbrace
<span class="math inline">\(\\
<span class="math inline">\(\end{matrix}

It does not work as intended. The /begin and /end are separated into different spans, disrupting the LaTeX internal process. I need to remove the options from math tags so I can apply custom formatting to them. Interestingly, using CSS:

.math {

I'm able to change the color and size, but not the font family or style.

Even utilizing the HTML table structure proves ineffective as the {} symbols do not cover the full height of the options section (which can have up to 7 elements).

At this point, I am at a loss for solutions. Can anyone suggest how I might approach this task? Ideally, I would like to avoid using SVG/PNG images to ensure compatibility across different screen sizes.

Answer №1

In his response on this thread, Davide Cervone explains:

MathJax focuses on the macros required for mathematical expressions, not text layout elements like \begin{tabular} and \begin{center}. Therefore, these are not supported. Instead, an array environment should be used [...]

This limitation restricts the use of certain environments. The provided code example illustrates a solution:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>

    \right\rbrace & %
    your\ content & %

Code Snippet:

<script src=""></script>
<script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>

    \right\rbrace & %
    your\ content & %

The same post referenced above suggests utilizing HTML tables over LaTeX arrays whenever possible. The following structure demonstrates nesting two sets of <table>s, making it more complex to render braces but acceptable nonetheless. However, excessive use of <table> tags is discouraged, reserved only for presenting tabular data.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>No MathJax</title>

          <td rowspan="2" class="braces">{</td>
          <td rowspan="2" class="braces">}</td>
    <td>your content</td>


          <td rowspan="2" class="braces">{</td>
          <td rowspan="2" class="braces">}</td>
    <td>your content</td>

Just one line of CSS included here!

To enhance the ideograms implementation further, feel free to provide additional details on your vision so we can refine it!

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