Modifying CSS stylesheet does not alter the background color

body { background-color: bisque;
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <button><a href="index.html">Home</a></button>  
        <button><a href="reading.html">Reading</a><br/></button>
        <button><a href="coffee.html">Coffee</a></button>
        <h1>I enjoy drinking several cups of coffee during the week.</h1>
        <img src="cof1.JPG" height="171" width="294"
        <img src="cof2.JPG" height="168" width="300"

        <h2>Some of my top coffee picks include:</h2>
            <LI> Cafe Crema</LI>
            <LI>Cafe Lareño</LI>

I've experimented with various styles in an attempt to adjust the background color, but I haven't been successful. While this webpage functions correctly, it lacks visual appeal. Using CSS is necessary to compare the different styles.

Answer №1

I simply pasted your code and it worked perfectly for me. It seems like the issue might be that you forgot to refresh the page. I suggest trying a hard reload by pressing CTRL+F5 on Windows or Command+R on Mac.

Answer №2

Yes, it does indeed work. I made a modification to your query so that it functions as a snippet and successfully displayed in your source code. The only adjustment I implemented was switching the p tag to a div tag because the p tag is typically used for paragraphs, whereas you required a block element.

Observe how I altered the background color to blue:

body {
  background-color: blue;
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <button><a href="index.html">Home</a></button>  
        <button><a href="reading.html">Reading</a><br/></button>
        <button><a href="coffee.html">Coffee</a></button>
        <h1>I usually drink three to four cups of coffee on weekdays</h1>
        <img src="cof1.JPG" height="171" width="294"
        <img src="cof2.JPG" height="168" width="300"

        <h2>Some of my favorite coffees are: </h2>
            <LI> Cafe Crema</LI>
            <LI>Cafe Lareño</LI>

Answer №3

Perhaps there is an issue with the page reload

Try hitting Ctrl + R

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