The web typography appears fuzzy or has incorrect thickness, lacks consistency across pages and even within a single page

The font (ProggyCleanSZBP.ttf from 1.1.5 release) appears to be intermittently thick and blurry. If you compare with , you'll notice that the latter displays as desired in most cases, but there are instances where the issue occurs, such as the first list element at the top of the page.

This problem has been observed in both Chrome and LibreWolf, which uses Goanna as its rendering engine.

Several attempts to address this issue have been made, including applying CSS properties like -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; and adjusting font-weight values, validating HTML and CSS, removing elements to identify triggers, using the dev console to check for unexpected styles, and switching to the same font version without bold punctuation. However, none of these steps have led to any noticeable improvements after forced reloads.

Some interventions were aimed at mitigating potential hardware acceleration issues, but it remains unclear if this is the root cause. Disabling hardware acceleration in LibreWolf did not result in any significant changes upon application restart.

The following questions arise:

  1. What other adjustments or validations should be considered?
  2. Is this font unsuitable for web use, considering the persistent display inconsistencies? Inconsolata may have served as an alternative, but the quest for variety continues.
  3. Could visual perception be influencing the perceived discrepancies?

A side-by-side comparison of the webpage in two separate windows revealed inconsistent renderings, raising doubts about the severity of the disparity as scrutiny deepens.

Could the troubleshooting efforts be addressing an optical illusion?

Update: The inexplicable nature of this issue necessitates a temporary retreat. The process of isolating potential causes included:

  1. Identifying the page element facilitating proper text display in one instance, leading to the table's removal as a corrective action.
  2. Examining specific rows within the table failed to reproduce the issue consistently upon elimination.
  3. Gradually reintroducing individual rows disclosed peculiarities tied to their content, particularly the presence of certain HTML elements.
  4. Further experimentation highlighted the influence of `<th>` and `<strong>` elements on text legibility based on their inclusion across different row configurations.
  5. Delineating the impact of various row combinations emphasized the intricate relationship between specific content compositions.

Update 2: An intriguing discovery suggests that the problem manifests only when the webpage lacks a vertical scroll bar due to insufficient content length. Exploring resolution options through LibreWolf’s issue tracker may shed light on the technical underpinnings or offer redirection guidance.

Text comparison 1

Text comparison 2

Answer №1

The issue at hand is proving to be more complex than initially anticipated, particularly in relation to factors such as page overflow. It appears that there may indeed be a correlation with the Chrome problem of similar nature.

By incorporating various snippets from the provided links into user styles, a mostly effective workaround can be achieved:

p, pre, blockquote, ol, ul, menu, li, dl, dt, dd, a, em, strong, small, s, cite, q, dfn, abbr, code, sub, sup, i, b, span, ins, del, caption, th, td, form, label, input, button, select, datalist, optgroup, option, textarea, output, progress, meter, fieldset, legend, details, summary, dialog, slot {
  transform: perspective(1px) translateZ(0) !important;
  backface-visibility: hidden !important;

I still need to investigate why certain a and span elements remain unaffected (i.e. experiment with user styles or refer to documentation for adjustments) but this solution does improve the readability of entire paragraphs.

Chrome Font appears Blurry

Blurry text after using CSS transform: scale(); in Chrome

Additionally, I will address the task of generalizing this JavaScript function at a later time:

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