Unable to apply styling to table cells that are dynamically added using JQuery within an Angular

Currently working on setting up a form using Angular. Within the hotel.view.html file, there is a table that looks like this:

<table id="rooms">
     <td>Room Type</td><td>Beds</td><td>Q.ty</td>
     <td><input [(ngModel)]="HotelModel.rooms[0].type" name="type" type="text"></td>
     <td><input [(ngModel)]="HotelModel.rooms[0].beds" name="beds" type="number" class="smallField"></td>
     <td><input [(ngModel)]="HotelModel.rooms[0].qty" name="qty" type="number" class="smallField"></td>

In the hotel.component.css file, there are styles for two classes: .smallField and .bigField.

.smallField {
    display: inline-block; 
    width: 50px;
.bigField {
    display: inline-block; 
    width: 170px;

The "display: inline-block;" property was added to accommodate DIV elements initially, but now it's not necessary.

The table rows with fields are displayed correctly. Now, I want to add a new row when a button is pressed. Here is how I do it:

$("#addRoom").on("click", function() {
        $('#rooms tr:last').after(
          '<tr><td><input [(ngModel)]="HotelModel.rooms[' + rm + '].type" name="type" type="text"></td>' + 
              '<td><input [(ngModel)]="HotelModel.rooms[' + rm + '].beds" name="beds" type="number" class="smallField"></td>' + 
              '<td><input [(ngModel)]="HotelModel.rooms[' + rm + '].qty" name="qty" type="number" class="smallField"></td></tr>');
          rm = rm + 1;

The newly added row appears correctly, but the fields don't inherit the "smallField" class, resulting in an inconsistent look:


Any suggestions on how to style these fields properly? Thank you!

Answer №1

It is crucial to avoid using jQuery in an Angular project, as mentioned in a previous comment. Achieving what you are attempting here is quite simple and can be done solely with Angular.

If your data is stored in an array, all you need to do is add a new item to that array. Angular will automatically recognize the change, making it much more straightforward than integrating raw HTML using a separate library that Angular must somehow interpret.

To display the array, utilize an Angular ngFor loop. By clicking the button, a new item will be added to the array, simplifying the process.

<table id="rooms">
      <th>Room Type</th>
    <tr *ngFor="let room of roomsList">
      <td><input [(ngModel)]="room.type" name="type" type="text"></td>
      <td><input [(ngModel)]="room.beds" name="beds" type="number" class="smallField"></td>
      <td><input [(ngModel)]="room.qty" name="qty" type="number" class="smallField"></td>

<button type="button" (click)="onAddRoomType()">Add Room Type</button>
roomsList = [...HotelModel.rooms]; //creates a copy of the array and stores it in this new array

onAddRoomType() {
  this.roomsList.push({ type: '', beds: 0, qty: 0 });

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