Explore the functions of jQuery's .css() method and the implementation of

Could use some assistance with the .css() method in jQuery.

Currently working on a mouseover css menu, and encountering an issue when trying to include this code:


at the end of my script. It seems to interfere with my mouseover function.


The problem I'm facing is that while my menu functions with css :hover, I need to revert the P color to gray. Is there a solution to address this issue?

    <p class="principal">Fijas</p>
    <div class="menu_body">
    <a href="products.php?ref=fijo&tipo=7001ad">Normal (7001)</a>
    <a href="products.php?ref=fijo&tipo=7001ad">Normal (7001)</a>
    <a href="products.php?ref=fijo&tipo=7001ad">Normal (7001)</a>
    <a href="products.php?ref=fijo&tipo=7001ad">Normal (7001)</a>

    div.sdmenu div p {
    padding: 5px 10px;
    background: #eee;
    display: block;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
    margin: 0;

div.sdmenu div p:hover {
    color: #fff;
    text-decoration: none;

Answer №1

There seems to be an issue with the syntax being utilized in this code snippet:


To rectify this, try using the CSS element without curly braces like so:


Remember, the correct syntax is: .css( propertyName, value )

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