developing a fresh node within the jstree framework

Recently, I have been working on creating a node using crrm as shown below

$("#TreeDiv").jstree("create", $("#somenode"), "inside", { "data":"new_node" });

This specific function is triggered by a wizard, enabling me to seamlessly create a new node within the desired location in the tree structure.
Up until now, I have successfully managed to add a node under #somenode. However, an issue arises when the new node is created - it appears focused and allows for editing of the node name.

See screenshot below -

Is there a way to disable this editing feature programmatically?

Answer №1

Although this question may be old, I have spent a considerable amount of time searching for a solution and coming across outdated answers. Therefore, I hope this updated information can assist someone in need. It seems that "create" is no longer functional for the latest version of jstree, you should instead use "create_node":

var selectedNode = jQuery("#TreeMenuDiv").jstree("get_selected");
var id = $("#TreeMenuDiv").jstree('create_node', selectedNode, value, 'last');

Answer №2

Successfully implemented the "skip_rename" parameter at the end of the create function by setting it to true. This allowed the code snippet below to work as intended.

$("#TreeDiv").jstree("create", $("#somenode"), "inside", { "data":"new_node" }, false, true);

Answer №3

Basic example:

        title: "Welcome to the website",  

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